Cabrini University

She Doesn’t Even Go Here.

I’ve been writing poetry since the 7th grade and as a High school senior becoming a poet was the perfect career path.

Fall of 2014 hits me right in the face as I sit in a class of 12 poets on 15th and Board St in a University of the Arts building.

Mid-semester and I am officially unsatisfied and stressed. The courses did not require me to think much about anything.

Poetry. Screenwriting. English I. Short Story.

I could write and pass these classes in my sleep. I needed to be pushed out of my limits and introduced to the reality of communicating.

I should have been a Cavalier.

cabrini dept

A Cavalier.

Before I applied to UArts I had applied to one other school, Cabrini.

Everything that encouraged me to apply to Cabrini then had encouraged me to transfer to Cabrini as a sophomore in college.

Hands on work. Social Justice. Tight campus. Preparation.

In the course of three years at Cabrini I have taken courses such as Video Production, Multimedia, Photography, Radio, Mass Communication, Presentation Communication and every other subject and course in between.

But, wait.

I didn’t just just get to learn the fundamentals of each multimedia. I learned how to manage and operate high tech equipment. I was able to practice and become proficient in skill sets that are useful in medias all across the board.

I become a professional.


You know how everyone is pro justice but has done little to nothing to support and spread social justice equality?

Yeah, well Cabrini is not like that.

Social Justice is deeply rooted into the Cabrini upcoming. Mother Ursula, founder of Cabrini wanted two things to happen to those who were part of Cabrini, to be educated in the mind and the heart.

The education of the mind is a given but, the education of the heart is Cabrini’s calling.

As a Communications major you not only get to travel and witness the reality of social issues like poverty, refugees and climate change, you get to inform others about it.

I’ve personally made a video for Video Production informing others on poverty specifically in San Lucas, Guatemala.



We are a family.

It was my first semester at Cabrini I already had inside jokes with my advisor and knew mostly everyone from the Communications department by name.

I was a transferred. I didn’t feel like one much less was treated like one.

I was welcomed.


Who Does That?

Cabrini is a magician.

It molded me into my best self without pressure.


I didn’t have to know what social justice is, the interest grew naturally.

I didn’t have to make friends but it’s inevitable.

I didn’t have to become a successful multimedia journalist but it’s what I became.


Becoming and growing is inevitable at Cabrini.

Don’t believe me, Check it out!


Cabrini’s communications website doesn’t tell you, it shows you.